
What Students Say

I’m grateful to Covid for allowing me to study with you again and have attended your zoom workshops for the past year and love them. I’m especially grateful for your “new” alignment style. I was inspired by what you said on your PBS special about not letting fear of pain keep you from practicing and instead coming to your mat to explore.

Monique French

I am also grateful for all your classes, all your work you do to help practice safe and healthy yoga. As a yoga teacher, but mostly, as an almost 50 year old woman, I cannot thank you enough.

Ania Ligeza O’Connor

Thank you for inspiring me to be strong and laugh too. I’ve been adding your wisdom into my classes the past few weeks and people are really connecting with it. Love the way you teach. Sending you big leaps of gratitude

Clytie Taylor Ames

The work you had me do in our Facetime call was great. I had never worked that hard before in yoga or felt such benefit.

Gail Bessette

Thank you doesn’t seem to quite touch how grateful I am for your class over the past 4 weeks and especially yesterday. Your grounded but still joy- filled presence filled me with a calm that I know I brought to work with my students. You are a gift and a miracle and you will never know the lives you both touch in a profound and positive way.

Trish West-Low, PT

The way you teach, communicate alignment, sequence the poses, and pace the practice resonates deeply with me. Taking the time to check in, engage with wisdom, slowly unwind and then extend the pose creates a change of in the elasticity and flow of fluids, which seems to be a key in initiating healing.

Karen Lackritz, LMT